Saturday 19 April 2014

A Quick Catch Up

Hidey Ho!

Now I have been away for a few days, it has just been so busy, I have been out and about with friends (hope you had a good birthday Sarah), working at my grandmas house and NOW I OFFICIALLY HAVE A JOB! Now I must admit I have never been so nervous in my life, but I managed to get myself a job!! GO me, mwhaha.. anyway I am working at The Waterfront at the Barton Marina, and I have to say I am enjoying it very muchly! All the people are so lovely and so far nothing has gone terribly wrong.. although today I did pick up a glass which shattered in my hand, it hurt, and there was rather a lot of blood BUT the cuts on my fingers are so TINY you can't even see them haha. 

Anyway, at the moment I am working full time which means everyday at certain shifts, luckily I get tomorrow off! :) EASTER SUNDAY! I do hope everyone has got their Easter eggs ready (I have mine all lined up ready to devour). OOH look at the picture, little bunnies in eggs, tehehe, now I really want a bunny. I am now thinking about putting bunny ears onto my little puppy Archie, for some reason I think he might hate me for it, but it would be a hoot to see it. I will try it and report back! 

THE SONG!!! Someone out there must know this song, if not everyone. For me it was one we sang every year in our Easter service in church (this was in primary school), it goes a little like this... 
"ONE mother hen sat on four little eggs, keeping them warm in a little hen nest, then one say she heard a CRACK and a little voice said, as the egg was hatched, I'm a spring chicken, I'm yellow and small, my feathers are fluffy and they're keeping me warm, my legs are not long SOOOOO I'll never be tall but I'm a real spring chicken and I'm having a ball"
I do hope as you read through that you sang it because I certainly did! Moving on now...

I am now looking for a little car, so that I can drive myself to work and school, hopefully with working now and my birthday soon (11days) I might be able to collect enough money to start paying for insurance! OH SUCH EXCITING STUFF! Although I must say I am dreading my first drive alone because I have forgotten everything to do with driving since my test which was a few weeks ago now! I will have to get my dad to re-teach me everything before I allow myself to be free on the roads alone! 

This is just a quick and short post this evening, keep watching for something more interesting tomorrow or so! Thank you for reading :) ENJOY tomorrow, have a lie in, eat too much chocolate, maybe a large roast dinner?? (that is my plan for tomorrow anyway!) Have a good day everyone!

Micky x

Monday 14 April 2014

Crackpots and Sun

Hello again,

I am sure my posts are getting later and later... Now today I have been so busy wrapping presents and making a home made card (if that's what you can all it) for one of my closest friends who's birthday is on Wednesday, but we are all meeting up tomorrow for a pre-birthday party which involves going to CRACKPOTS followed by a feast! :D If you are reading this and thinking what the hell is crackpots then my friends... get yourself on google AND GO THERE. 

Crackpots is basically a little shop where you go in and sit for a few hours and paint a pot, now this pot can be picked from their wide range so it could be a mug, a plate, a dragon, a snowman etc. etc. they basically have everything that you could want to paint. You are given paints, brushes and sponges to make a magical painting. My kind of magical is literally slapping some paint on and being happy! They will then take you pots and bake them in an oven to make them go all shiny and lovely and in about a week or so you get your creation back :)  Everyone who is going tomorrow is really looking forward to it! AHH the excitement!! I have been counting down for the past week now and finally is it getting down to the last few hours! 

I hope everyone is enjoying the weather at the moment! It is wonderful out there, all that sun! Going out and walking Archie is so nice at the moment with the sun out all the time, walking around the fields and lanes by my house is definitely more enjoyable when it isn't being all gray and rainy. I intend to drag a couple of friends over soon so we can go on a picnic! Can't have all this sun without a good picnic in the park with friends! *ideally I live directly opposite a park* Sun = wearing dresses and getting a lovely tan! MAYBE a trip to the beach! Okay that's probably a bit too keen for now but hopefully soon. 

Well I have nothing more specific to say tonight, but there will be more tomorrow if I find the time! I will be feasting madly tomorrow evening so I may be too full and fat to even get home and find my laptop *I am not joking* but thank you for reading tonight!

Micky x

Sunday 13 April 2014

Travelling Around The World


Now, tonight I really wanted to have a ramble about travelling. For a long time now it has been something I set my heart one for one day, sadly I do not yet even posses a passport, nor have I ever been anywhere other  than England, Wales and Scotland. Unfortunately my family have never had the money to afford going abroad, but in a way this also makes me more eager to go when I am older. I have so many different destinations which I hope to explore one day, the obvious choices such as Australia, America, Africa and so on and so on! Here is why...

Now then, Australia, where do I even start?! The vast amount of land, the incredible scenes like the Great Barrier Reef to the Ayers Rock. I have always been fond of 'the land down under', ooh the accent, I have a friend who lived in Australia for a few years before returning to the UK and I have often pestered her to talk with the accent just to entertain me. I have to say, I wouldn't be too keen on the deadly creatures; spiders, crocodiles and snakes. Then again the fear won't hold me back if I ever get the opportunity to travel there.

Oh the land of Africa, once again it is a continent which I would never know where to start. For me I am drawn by the wildlife! Who wound't be?! Lions, giraffes, buffalo, elephants and rhinos, just everything there invites me to visit. The heat might be a slight problem though, but once again, nothing would stop me from going and travelling. If I had the opportunity I would also help those who need it, joining charities to build schools adn homes for the villages who do not have the aid and resources. I missed out on the once in a life time opportunity of World Challenge this year to go to Borneo and visit a orangutan sanctuary! I regret not going for the chance this year but it pushes me more to go in the future.

Italy is such a delightful place full of beauty and history, it has been on my list to explore for a  very long time now and since my brother went last year I have wanted to go more and more! The clear blue sea, white sand, mountains and the colourful towns and vineyards. The film 'Letter to Juliet' has also motivated me to go, not because of the love story but because of the scenes such as the restaurants and the historic places to visit.

France, ooh la la, Paris! Now that is somewhere I would love to visit and reach the top of the Eiffel Tower. I would love to see the night life, the lit up tower would be truly wondrous and restaurants which gaze up on it. *I would like all readers to know that I am also driven by food*

America! There are so many different states I would love to visit, a horse back ride in Texas, a ice cream on the white sands of California and to trot along the ways of New York and LA. I would love to travel through the different states *ROAD TRIP* with a marked map and visit the land marks like the Grand Canyon.

I have many more places of the world which I could just love to visit, ahh Canada, India, Thailand, Hawaii..... but there are so many I just couldn't list them all as no one would ever read all the way to the end of this post! One day I wish to travel to these lands, hopefully with a good friend or even someone closer, I don't know what is going to happen yet but I can promise myself that I will save everything I can to travel and see at least some of the places which I have always googled and gazed at.

Right, I hope you have enjoyed this post tonight! Have you been anywhere listed here, if so I would love to hear your experiences...

Micky x

Saturday 12 April 2014

Butterflies & Flowers

Hey there!

Well, what is pushing me to write this post today is the support that I got from a very lovely friend yesterday, she complimented my blog as well as my photos which has given me the boost to put a few more on today (Sarah, you best be reading this today!) :) Some of my favorite things to take photos of are flowers and butterflies, I will always try and get a snap of some flowers and butterflies if I can! We have been on rather a few photography outings where I have had endless opportunities to photograph beautiful flowers and exotic creatures, such as the zoo and manor houses with endless fields of gardens. I suppose the idea of this post is to show more of what I can do, I really enjoy it so I might as well share them and see what others think too!

For me I find butterflies wonderful, their shapes and sizes, not to mention the incredible colours in their wings. So here are a few which I have come across before... (I admit now that I don't know half the names of these butterflies) 

The other love of mine is flowers, the smell nice, look nice and the colours have the ability to light up a garden or a room! The photo's below are some old and new ones, I know a there are some trees in there but they are pretty too so I thought I might as well!

I hope you have enjoyed looking at the photo's, I must say I do enjoy taking them! Thank you for reading today, not very interesting I know but I just wanted to show you some photo's. Feel free to comment opinions!

Micky x

Friday 11 April 2014

Inspirations and Ideas

 Good Evening!

Today is going to be a little post, about inspirations and ideas, here they are...

A shot like this!
I have always wanted to be inspired by beautiful things, settings and people. I find it hard to find something that suits me. When I take photo's I want to create something that's me, it will never be anything big, but it's me. With my photography I want to get that one shot that shows people what I can do, by people I mean my family more than anyone else, to show them I can capture something beautiful without needing to change it. To be in the right place at the right time is what is needed here. 

Natural colours and lights
 Another thing that I would love to have a go at is using some friends and to take some photo's of them. Using the lighting and natural surroundings is something I have always wanted to have a go at, just to see what I can capture with them. It will be a challenge to get them to agree to start with though... 

This is what I can do so far...
Sunset over river

Water droplets on tulips

Raindrops on leaves

Slug on branch 


My inspirations come from what I see and from what I hear. the possibilities of what you can do with a little effort and determination are endless, I hope to be an inspiration to someone someday, perhaps through my photography?

Thank you for reading, this shorter post today :) 

Micky x

Thursday 10 April 2014


Howdy hi there,

Now for today's post I was thinking about my interests etc and I realised that I am very into baking. It is something that all my friends are interested in as well. My lovely friend Annie baked some Easter themed cakes yesterday, they had a lemony zest and I have to say they were *sing this next part* truly truly scrumptious (like the song), this was probably what triggered me to think so much about cake, which leads us to this post. My personal inspiration to bake came from my dear old granny, she has always been a brilliant baker, I do believe that her skills came from her mother and her grandmother. Passing down the Fleming baking skills! When I remember baking with my gran it always used to be little butterfly cakes, they were baked to perfection with a dash of icing in the middle. I was always allowed the first cake, fresh from the oven to 'check that they were a good batch'. I have to admit that they were always wonderful, and then I had to test a few more, must to make sure. 

We would also bake some 'rock cake', this was my brothers favorite, a mixture of spices and currents to tickle the taste buds. I will always remember being allowed to lick the mixture from the bowl when all the mixture had been put into the cake cases, this was one of my favorite parts. I would always try and fit the wooden spoon into my mouth (this always created a lovely mess on the table, floor and of course, me).  Little memories which make me hoot are the reason why sometimes I just have to bake a cake, just so that I can make the mess, lick the bowl and try and fit the spoon in my mouth. Baking cakes was such a large part of my childhood it's something I know I will always enjoy.

When I am not baking with granny, for me I am rather particular to the cupcake. I Iove to decorate them as well, although my icing sqeezy thingy broke so now decorating does not take place. *sad face*. I think I will always be best at the cupcakes and a good Victoria sponge but I also love to try new things, so far I have got good feedback from people who have tried them so it encourages me to keep baking. I attempted choc chip cookies the other week, they weren't the best but I have to say, i was proud of my first attempt. After seeing some truly wonderful creations on Pinterest (if you haven't already got it, get it)  I have been motivated to get baking and to attempt some new creations. Considering I have got 2 weeks off I have got no excuse not to waddle around in the kitchen for a day or two seeing what I can create. I am always prowling cookery books or the internet trying to find something new and interesting to attempt! 

I strongly believe that everyone should have a go at baking at some point, kids or adults. Get baking on a Sunday with your mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and even grand parents!! After you make the mess, there is the task of cleaning that cake mixture bowl. Please note, it is a crime to not get a spoon and scrape out every last smidgen of mixture and eat it.

I hope you have enjoyed this little post about baking cakes, get out there and bake something if your feeling hungry, cakes always fill the spot :)

The cakes on the photos are all ones I have managed to bake and decorate, for me they are my favorite ones which I have ever managed to do! Hoping to get some more baked and decorated soon! Thank you for reading, comment your opinions!

Micky x

Wednesday 9 April 2014


Good evening!

Now I am mustered up the energy to write another post this evening, even though I was deciding more to have a bubble bath and go to bed! I have just been on a grande walk with my mother, father and our little puppy Archie! We all took our cameras and had a slow plod through some fields and lanes near where we live, I have to say it was most enjoyable. (As part as my loosing weight plan I am trying to get out three times a day to walk Archie). Here are a couple of snippets from this evening!

So anyway what I wanted to talk about this evening was the fact that we have now BROKEN UP FOR EASTER! This means that we now have 2 and a half weeks off school to chill and do nothing. I joke of course, for us A level students it means hard work and revision now instead of going out every day and not caring about anything! I am attempting to divide my time of revision, seeing friends and working... hopefully this will go well enough to be good in all aspects. I am working at my grandma's house tomorrow and then my other Grans on Friday which I will receive payment in the form of food (the best kind of payment). I am also working for my uncle and hopefully my papa if he gets some more work coming in! As well as family based work I am also going to be job hunting *woo*, which means sending out CVs and letters begging for people to have me. 

Plans for Easter

  1. Do work for family
  2. Revise
  3. Find a job
  4. Get my friends birthday present
  5. Attend Crackpots party
  6. Go on dog walks with other friends
  7. Keep room tidy
  8. Eat too much chocolate
  9. Get fit
  10. Revise a bit more
I think those things to do will keep me busy for the next couple of weeks, as well as them I will also have little Archie to look after, he needs more training, like going to the toilet outside, sitting, waiting etc. He is slowly getting there! :)

I hope anyone who is challenging themselves to complete lent this year is still going strong, I have a friend who gave up chocolate and I have to say I have rather enjoyed torturing her with the occasional chocolate bar or Malteaser (her favorite) *terrible friend right here*

I would love to hear about any Easter plans you have! Feel free to post any comments and opinions! Thank you for reading again tonight,

Micky x